CLRC Reopening Guidelines

An update on the reopening guidelines and expectations for University of Saskatchewan (USask) partners, students, faculty, and staff participating in activities at the Clinical Learning Resource Centre (CLRC) during the month of August 2021.

This announcement was posted on Aug. 3, 2021, and may not reflect changes to campus safety and access requirements made since that time. Stay up-to-date on all current safety expectations related to accessing campus spaces.

The Clinical Learning Resource Centre (CLRC) has aligned its guidelines with those released in mid-July by the University of Saskatchewan (USask) and the USask Health Sciences. The CLRC will also be honouring previous agreements with health science programs that have chosen to take a more transitional and conservative approach to bringing students back into the CLRC for the fall term.

As a result, a hybrid approach involving various capacity allowances will be implemented for events scheduled in the CLRC. This may seem confusing at times — capacity will be limited below permitted levels for some events (as requested by various health science programs) while other events may be scheduled to proceed at full capacity.

The CLRC will work closely with all programs to ensure that maximum safety and positive outcomes can be achieved for students, faculty, and staff. This will be a time requiring patience and adaptability as everyone involved works to ensure that CLRC guidelines will continue to align with current public health standards during the pandemic.

The CLRC will do its utmost to provide updates involving any changes to the information provided below and anticipates sending out another update near the end of August once more information for the fall term is released.

In the meantime, please continue to review and follow all current safety expectations related to accessing USask campus spaces by visiting and the Health Sciences COVID-19 webpage at

CLRC hours of operation

On Aug. 3, 2021, public access to the USask Health Sciences Building will resume. 

  • At that point, the building’s exterior doors will be unlocked from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, and the CLRC will resume normal operational hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

NOTE: As of Aug. 30, 2021, the locking and unlocking of areas within the Health Sciences Building will return to the regular hours of 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily (except for statutory holidays and the December holiday break). Building access will likely remain restricted to the Royal University Hospital until further notice.

Campus Access Request Forms

The Campus Access Request Form for approval from USask’s Pandemic Response and Recovery Team (PRT) is no longer required for events occurring in the CLRC.

As such, the CLRC will return to pre-COVID scheduling policies.


All faculty, staff, students, and visitors are required to wear a 3-ply single-use mask while in indoor spaces on USask campuses in Saskatoon, Regina, and Prince Albert.

  • This includes the CLRC, hallways, lobbies, libraries, classrooms, laboratories, meeting spaces, study spaces, elevators, recreation facilities, shared offices, washrooms, and all other indoor USask spaces.
  • USask’s masking guidelines will remain in place until Aug. 31. These guidelines will be reviewed by the PRT committees prior to the end of August and any recommendations or changes will be communicated with the campus community.

NOTE: 3-ply single-use masks will be available through the university. Please contact your college, school, or department to receive yours. Mask recycling drop-offs can be found by the main entrance of the Health Sciences Building B-Wing as well as next to the elevator outside of the Health Sciences Supply Centre.

Face shields

The use of face shields is now optional. Face shields will be available in the CLRC for those who feel more comfortable wearing them.

NOTE: The CLRC requests that used face shields be cleaned with disinfectant wipes and placed on the cart labelled "dirty cart” in E-Wing Room 2200. The CLRC will spray disinfected face shields with alcohol to remove residue from the wipes.

Safety and workplace requirements

Changes to check-in, screening, and documentation requirements

As of Aug. 3, 2021, the following are no longer required:

  • Check-ins and screenings with door ambassadors.
  • Self-Monitoring Checklist/PAWS Pre-screening Log.
    • NOTE: This is a good practice, and the continued use of the Daily Health Screening is encouraged, although the tool for documentation of the screening will no longer be required.
  • Work Location Journal.

Cleaning practices

Cleaning standards will be relaxed but will still be maintained according to the CLRC’s high pre-pandemic requirements.

  • Although USask’s official Cleaning Log/Cleaning and Disinfectant Logs will no longer be required, CLRC cleaning logs will continue to be kept for clinic rooms and procedure labs (as indicated to students during their orientation).
    • Students will be asked to wipe down used spaces before leaving the room and signing the CLRC cleaning log.
  • CLRC staff will also clean rooms with disinfectant spray at the end of each day.

As the CLRC resumes its pre-pandemic cleaning policies, this will include a return to maintaining a cleaning record of CLRC spaces. The CLRC hopes this will help to keep everyone accountable for keeping CLRC spaces clean.

Other health and safety protocols

  • Stay home if you feel ill.
  • Continue to practice recommended hand hygiene upon entering the CLRC.
  • Comply with all USask COVID-19 health and safety protocols.
  • Please maintain proper social distancing of 6’ (2m). When able, it is recommended that individuals do not loiter in areas where people are unable to maintain a proper social distance of 6’ (2m).
  • Additionally, the PRT has removed the COVID-19 guidelines for lunchroom and break room use. The CLRC strongly encourages people to not eat within 6 feet of anyone if they are not double vaccinated and two weeks past the date of receiving their second dose.

NOTE: All USask faculty, students, and staff are also strongly encouraged to complete the COVID-19 Health and Safety course prior to returning to campus and accessing the CLRC.

Current CLRC capacity limits

  • Clinic Room area: 60
    • College of Medicine fall term: 4 people per clinic room unless otherwise agreed upon.
  • Procedure/Sim Room area: 60
    • College of Nursing fall term: 14 people per procedure room unless otherwise agreed upon.

NOTE: At times, the CLRC may book rooms to full capacity based on operational need, program agreement, USask standards, and public health standards.