Booking calendars for shared equipment are provided via QReserve. For any issues with booking shared equipment, please email
Training and helpful advice is always available. The Histology Core Facility does not currently provide fee-for-service histology work — users must embed their own samples. Cost recovery fees will be charged for the processing and embedding of samples.
Automated Tissue Processor

The Leica Pearl Automated Tissue Processor is available for the preparation of fixed tissues for paraffin embedding.
- Samples must be fully fixed by your method of choice and must have been prepared with at least two fresh washes of 70% ethanol prior to processing.
- First-time users should email the facility histologist to discuss the surface-to-volume ratio of fixative required for proper fixation.
The fees for processing increases for every 10 cassettees processed. A minimum fees of $35 will be charged for the first 10 cassettes. Please refer to the pricelist for more details.
The price per run includes:
- histo-cassettes for transferring tissues in the processor;
- biopsy pads;
- the reagents used;
- Leica paraplast;
- metal moulds;
- embedding rings; and
- access to the embedding station the next day to embed processed samples.
NOTE: The embedding station is usually booked in conjunction with the processor at the run end-time, as pre-arranged with the facility histologist.
This instrument is run by the facility histologist upon request. Please confirm availability prior to scheduling a run.
Embedding Station

The Tissue Tek paraffin embedding station allows for manual paraffin-embedding of processed tissues. Samples prepared on the facility tissue processor are embedded with this station.
If tissues are processed in the facility, there is no additional cost for the paraffin and embedding rings/molds. Re-embedding of existing paraffin blocks can be performed for a small fee to cover the cost of paraffin and embedding rings.
Same-day booking of the station is not available as preparation/pre-heating of the paraffin and embedding station is required.
Note: This station is usually booked in conjunction with the end time of the tissue processor.
Training with the facility histologist is required prior to using the embedding station.