Booking calendars for shared equipment are provided via QReserve. For any issues with booking shared equipment, please email hsc.qreserve@usask.ca.
The Histology Core Facility does not currently provide fee-for-service histology work — users must embed, section and stain their own samples.
Cost-recovery fees may apply (as described below and in the current price list).
The Histology Core Facility does not provide glass slides — they are available for purchase from the Health Sciences Supply Center.
Training on instruments and workstations is provided and helpful advice is always available. Please contact the facility histologist for training and more information at hsbhistology@usask.ca.
Staining Workstation

The slide stain workstation is available for slide H&E staining and other special stains (upon request) at a cost-recovery fee of $1.90 per slide.
The use of this station should be arranged in advance to ensure the workstation is available and freshly stocked.
Immunohistochemistry Workstation

The immunohistochemistry (IHC) slide preparation (pre- and post-stain) workstation and manual IHC workstation are available on a cost-recovery basis. Dako Envision Plus reagents and hydration chambers are also available for purchase for immunohistochemistry on a cost-recovery basis. Various billing options are available depending on the reagents needed for each unique project. Please see the current price list with IHC Billing Option List for details.
The Histology Core Facility provides dehydration/rehydration chemistry and counterstain reagents, but users are responsible for preparing their own antibodies and preparing their own buffer solutions (HIER, Tris, etc.). The facility recommends a positive control tissue for antibody dilution optimization.
The IHC slide preparation/dehydration workstation and the complete IHC manual staining workstation area can be booked separately as required.
Use of the preparative station must be pre-arranged with the facility histologist to ensure the workstation and reagents are prepared and available.
Coverslip Workstation

The slide coverslipping workstation is available on a cost-recovery basis. Mounting fluid and coverslips (regular sizes) are provided at no additional cost — this is included in the stain workstation fees.
The use of this station should be arranged with the facility histologist to ensure the workstation is available.